UCB представит данные на 76-м ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии в 2022 году, поддерживая десятилетия
ДомДом > Новости > UCB представит данные на 76-м ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии в 2022 году, поддерживая десятилетия

UCB представит данные на 76-м ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии в 2022 году, поддерживая десятилетия

May 30, 2023

Брюссель (Бельгия) – 1 декабря 2022 г., 07:00 (CET): – UCB, глобальная биофармацевтическая компания, сегодня объявила, что данные по ее портфелю противосудорожных препаратов (бриварацетам, фенфлурамин, лакосамид и назальный спрей мидазолам) будут представлены на 76-м ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии (AES) (Нэшвилл, Теннесси). ), 2-6 декабря.

«UCB находится в авангарде исследований эпилепсии более трех десятилетий, и мы с нетерпением ждем продолжения развития науки и понимания эпилепсии, особенно редких эпилепсий и тех, у которых есть высокие неудовлетворенные потребности», — сказал Конрад Верхан, доктор медицинских наук, глобальная эпилепсия. Медицинские вопросы в UCB. «Данные, представленные в этом году на ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии, продолжают еще больше укреплять нашу приверженность переосмыслению будущего лечения эпилепсии, разработке значимых, ориентированных на пациента результатов лечения для людей, страдающих эпилептическими припадками».

Основные данные

Ключевые данные, представленные на AES, включают в себя множество идей из международного исследования EXPERIENCE, оценивающего эффективность и переносимость бриварацетама в различных подгруппах населения, включая педиатров и пожилых людей с фокальными судорогами, а также эффективность и безопасность фенфлурамина при судорогах для живущих людей. с синдромами Драве и/или Леннокса-Гасто и его влияние на параметры, не связанные с приступами, включая повседневное исполнительное функционирование. Представленные данные представлены на научной выставке компании «UCB: Наука в области эпилепсии и редких эпилептических синдромов» (5 декабря, 9:00 – 12:00 по восточноевропейскому времени, 207 A/B, этаж 2, Music City Center). , предоставляет присутствующим медицинским работникам возможность участвовать в дискуссиях об исследованиях эпилепсии UCB, актуальных обновлениях и последних клинических данных.

Симпозиум посвящен ключевым вопросам реальных фактических данных и справедливости в отношении здоровья.

В дополнение к стендовым презентациям UCB проведет два сателлитных симпозиума для зарегистрированных делегатов AES.

Брэд Чепмен, руководитель отдела эпилепсии и редких синдромов в США в UCB, комментирует: «Поскольку UCB продолжает расширять наш портфель лекарств от эпилепсии, редких эпилептических синдромов и средств для купирования приступов, мы стремимся укреплять доверие с сообществами, продолжая слушать и учиться. и развиваться в том, как мы заботимся о пациентах и ​​находим решения для них».

Стендовые презентации

Ниже приводится руководство по стендовым презентациям, спонсируемым UCB, на 76-м ежегодном собрании Американского общества эпилепсии (AES 2022):

Плакаты с Бриварацетамом

Плакаты с фенфлурамином

Плакаты с лакосамидом

Назальный спрей «Мидазолам» [только одобрено FDA] Плакаты

Плакаты по общей эпилепсии

Об эпилепсии1-3Эпилепсия является распространенным неврологическим заболеванием во всем мире, им страдают примерно 50 миллионов человек.1 Эпилепсия и судороги могут развиться у любого человека в любом возрасте2 и обычно диагностируются после того, как у человека было как минимум два приступа (или после одного приступа с высоким риском подробнее), которые не были вызваны каким-либо известным заболеванием.3

О UCB при эпилепсии

UCB имеет богатый опыт в области эпилепсии и тридцатилетний опыт исследований и разработки противосудорожных препаратов. Наша цель как компании, имеющей долгосрочные обязательства в области исследований эпилепсии, — удовлетворить неудовлетворенные медицинские потребности. Наши ученые гордятся тем, что вносят свой вклад в понимание эпилепсии и ее лечения. Мы сотрудничаем и создаем суперсети с ведущими мировыми учеными и клиницистами в академических учреждениях, фармацевтических компаниях и других организациях, которые разделяют наши цели. В UCB нас вдохновляют пациенты и движет наука в нашем стремлении поддерживать пациентов с эпилепсией.


UCB, Брюссель, Бельгия (www.ucb.com) — глобальная биофармацевтическая компания, занимающаяся открытием и разработкой инновационных лекарств и решений, способных изменить жизнь людей, живущих с тяжелыми заболеваниями иммунной или центральной нервной системы. Компания UCB, насчитывающая более 8600 человек примерно в 40 странах, в 2021 году получила доход в размере 5,8 млрд евро. UCB котируется на Euronext в Брюсселе (символ: UCB). Следуйте за нами в Твиттере: @UCB_news

10% of patients) were somnolence (14.3%) and dizziness (11.0%). They were usually mild to moderate in intensity. Somnolence and fatigue were reported at higher incidences with increasing dose. Very common adverse reactions (≥1% to <10%) were influenza, decreased appetite, depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, convulsion, vertigo, upper respiratory tract infections, cough, nausea, vomiting, constipation and fatigue. Neutropenia has been reported in 0.5% (6/1,099) BRIVIACT® patients and 0% (0/459) placebo-treated patients. Four of these patients had decreased neutrophil counts at baseline, and experienced additional decrease in neutrophil counts after initiation of BRIVIACT®. None of the six cases were severe, required any specific treatment, led to BRIVIACT® discontinuation or had associated infections. Suicidal ideation was reported in 0.3 % (3/1099) of BRIVIACT® treated patients and 0.7 % (3/459) of placebo-treated patients. In short-term clinical studies of BRIVIACT® in patients with epilepsy, there were no cases of completed suicide and suicide attempt, however both were reported in the long-term open-label extension studies. Reactions suggestive of immediate (Type I) hypersensitivity have been reported in a small number of BRIVIACT® patients (9/3022) during clinical development. The safety profile of brivaracetam observed in children from 1 month of age was consistent with the safety profile observed in adults. In the open label, uncontrolled, long-term studies suicidal ideation was reported in 4.7 % of paediatric patients assessed from 6 years onwards (more common in adolescents) compared with 2.4 % of adults and behavioural disorders were reported in 24.8 % of paediatric patients compared with 15.1 % of adults. The majority of events were mild or moderate in intensity, were non-serious, and did not lead to discontinuation of study drug. An additional adverse reaction reported in children was psychomotor hyperactivity (4.7 %). No specific pattern of adverse event (AE) was identified in children from 1 month to < 4 years of age when compared to older paediatric age groups. No significant safety information was identified indicating the increasing incidence of a particular AE in this age group. As data available in children younger than 2 years of age are limited, brivaracetam is not indicated in this age range. No clinical data are available in neonates. strongOverdose /strongThere is limited clinical experience with BRIVIACT® overdose in humans. Somnolence and dizziness were reported in a healthy subject taking a single dose of 1,400 mg of BRIVIACT®. The following adverse reactions were reported with brivaracetam overdose: nausea, vertigo, balance disorder, anxiety, fatigue, irritability, aggression, insomnia, depression, and suicidal ideation in the post-marketing experience. In general, the adverse reactions associated with brivaracetam overdose were consistent with the known adverse reactions. There is no specific antidote. Treatment of an overdose should include general supportive measures. Since less than 10% of BRIVIACT® is excreted in urine, haemodialysis is not expected to significantly enhance BRIVIACT® clearance./p>


30 ml/min). In paediatric patients weighing 50 kg or more and in adult patients with mild or moderate renal impairment, a loading dose of 200 mg may be considered, but further dose titration (>200 mg daily) should be performed with caution. In paediatric patients weighing 50 kg or more and in adult patients with severe renal impairment (CLCR ≤ 30 ml/min) or with end-stage renal disease, a maximum dose of 250 mg/day is recommended and the dose titration should be performed with caution. In paediatric patients weighing less than 50 kg with severe renal impairment (CLCR ≤ 30 ml/min) and in those with end-stage renal disease, a reduction of 25 % of the maximum dose is recommended. A maximum dose of 300 mg/day is recommended for paediatric patients weighing 50 kg or more and for adult patients with mild to moderate hepatic impairment. Based on data in adults, in paediatric patients weighing less than 50 kg with mild to moderate hepatic impairment, a reduction of 25 % of the maximum dose should be applied. Lacosamide should be administered to adult and paediatric patients with severe hepatic impairment only when the expected therapeutic benefits are anticipated to outweigh the possible risks. The dose may need to be adjusted while carefully observing disease activity and potential side effects in the patient. In adolescents and adults weighing 50 kg or more with mild to moderate hepatic impairment a loading dose of 200mg may be considered, but further dose titration (>200 mg daily) should be performed with caution. Lacosamide is not recommended for use in children below the age of 4 years in the treatment of primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures and below the age of 2 years in the treatment of partial-onset seizures as there are limited data on safety and efficacy in these age groups. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of the excipients; known second- or third-degree atrioventricular (AV) block. Special warnings and precautions for use: Suicidal ideation and behaviour have been reported in patients treated with antiepileptic medicinal products in several indications. Therefore, patients should be monitored for signs of suicidal ideation and behaviour and appropriate treatment should be considered. Patients (and caregivers of patients) should be advised to seek medical advice should signs of suicidal ideation or behaviour emerge. Dose-related prolongations in PR interval with lacosamide have been observed in clinical studies. Lacosamide should be used with caution in patients with underlying proarrhythmic conditions such as known cardiac conduction problems or severe cardiac diseases (e.g. myocardial ischaemia/infarction, heart failure, structural heart disease or cardiac sodium channelopathies) or patients treated with medicinal products affecting cardiac conduction, including antiarrhythmics and sodium channel blocking antiepileptic medicinal products, as well as in elderly patients. In these patients it should be considered to perform an electrocardiogram (ECG) before a lacosamide dose increase above 400mg/day and after lacosamide is titrated to steady-state. In the placebo-controlled clinical studies of lacosamide in epilepsy patients, atrial fibrillation or flutter were not reported; however both have been reported in open-label epilepsy studies and in post-marketing experience. In post-marketing experience, AV block (including second degree or higher AV block) has been reported. In patients with proarrhythmic conditions, ventricular tachyarrhythmia has been reported. In rare cases, these events have led to asystole, cardiac arrest and death in patients with underlying proarrhythmic conditions. Patients should be made aware of the symptoms of cardiac arrhythmia (e.g. slow, rapid or irregular pulse, palpitations, shortness of breath, feeling lightheaded, fainting). Patients should be counselled to seek immediate medical advice if these symptoms occur. Treatment with lacosamide has been associated with dizziness which could increase the occurrence of accidental injury or falls. Therefore, patients should be advised to exercise caution until they are familiar with the potential effects of the medicine. New onset or worsening of myoclonic seizures has been reported in both adult and paediatric patients with primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures (PGTCS), in particular during titration. In patients with more than one seizure type, the observed benefit of control for one seizure type should be weighed against any observed worsening in another seizure type. The safety and efficacy of lacosamide in paediatric patients with epilepsy syndromes in which focal and generalised seizures may coexist have not been determined. VIMPAT® syrup contains sodium methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E219) which may cause allergic reactions (possibly delayed). Vimpat Syrup contains sorbitol (E420). Patients with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance should not take this medicine. Sorbitol may cause gastrointestinal discomfort and mild laxative effect. The syrup contains aspartame (E951), a source of phenylalanine, which may be harmful for people with phenylketonuria. Neither non-clinical nor clinical data are available to assess aspartame use in infants below 12 weeks of age. Vimpat syrup contains propylene glycol (E1520). VIMPAT® syrup contains 1.42 mg sodium per ml, equivalent to 0.07 % of the WHO recommended maximum daily intake of 2 g sodium for an adult. VIMPAT® solution for infusion contains 59.8 mg sodium per vial, equivalent to 3% of the WHO recommended maximum daily intake of 2 g sodium for an adult. Effects on ability to drive and use machines: Lacosamide may have minor to moderate influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Lacosamide treatment has been associated with dizziness or blurred vision. Accordingly, patients should be advised not to drive a car or to operate other potentially hazardous machinery until they are familiar with the effects of lacosamide on their ability to perform such activities. Undesirable effects: The most frequently reported adverse reactions (≥10%) are dizziness, headache, nausea and diplopia. They were usually mild to moderate in intensity. Some were dose-related and could be alleviated by reducing the dose. Incidence and severity of CNS and gastrointestinal (GI) adverse reactions usually decreased over time. Incidence of CNS adverse reactions such as dizziness may be higher after a loading dose. Other common adverse reactions (≥1% - <10%) are depression, confusional state, insomnia, balance disorder, myoclonic seizures, ataxia, memory impairment, cognitive disorder, somnolence, tremor, nystagmus, hypoesthesia, dysarthria, disturbance in attention, paraesthesia, vision blurred, vertigo, tinnitus, vomiting, constipation, flatulence, dyspepsia, dry mouth, diarrhoea, pruritus, rash, muscle spasms, gait disturbance, asthenia, fatigue, irritability, feeling drunk, injection site pain or discomfort (local adverse events associated with intravenous administration), irritation (local adverse events associated with intravenous administration), fall, and skin laceration and contusion. The use of lacosamide is associated with dose-related increase in the PR interval. Adverse reactions associated with PR interval prolongation (e.g. atrioventricular block, syncope, bradycardia) may occur. Multiorgan Hypersensitivity Reactions: Multiorgan hypersensitivity reactions (also known as Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms, DRESS) have been reported in patients treated with some antiepileptic medicinal products. These reactions are variable in expression but typically present with fever and rash and can be associated with involvement of different organ systems. If multiorgan hypersensitivity reaction is suspected, lacosamide should be discontinued. The safety profile of lacosamide in adjunctive therapy in paediatric patients with partial- onset seizures was consistent with the safety profile observed in adults. The additional adverse reactions observed in the paediatric population were pyrexia, nasopharyngitis, pharyngitis, decreased appetite, abnormal behaviour and lethargy. Somnolence was reported more frequently in the paediatric population (≥ 1/10) compared to the adult population (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10).Refer to the European Summary of Product Characteristics for other adverse reactions and full prescribing information. Date of revision: October 2022. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/product-information/vimpat-epar-product-information_en.pdf/p>